Time | Hall L5 |
09:00 | |
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09:45 | |
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10:45 | Buildout for Development and Deployment by Baiju Muthukadan |
11:00 | |
11:15 | |
11:30 | Waffle - A schema-less data storage on top of RDBMS by Srinivasan R |
11:45 | |
12:00 | |
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13:00 | |
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14:00 | Semantic Web and Python - concept to application development by Vinay Modi |
14:15 | |
14:30 | |
14:45 | An analysis of the use of Python/Jython at Strand. by Anand Janakiraman |
15:00 | |
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15:30 | |
15:45 | Django: A blessed webframework for perfectionists with deadlines by Lakshman Prasad, Chandrashekar Jayaraman, Thejaswi Puthraya |
16:00 | |
16:15 | |
16:30 | Using RML and ZPT to generate PDF on the fly for Python applications by Shailesh Kumar |
16:45 | |
17:00 | |
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18:00 |
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