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Advanced task management with Celery

by Mahendra M (speaking)

Session type
Technical level


Celery is a really good framework for doing background task processing in Python (and other languages). While it is ridiculously easy to use celery, doing complex task flow has been a challenge in celery. (w.r.t task trees/graphs/dependecies etc.)

This talk introduces the audience to these challenges in celery and also explains how these can be fixed programmatically and by using latest features in Celery (3+)


Celery is a really good framework for doing background task processing in Python (and other languages). While it is ridiculously easy to use celery, doing complex task flow has been a challenge in celery. (w.r.t task trees/graphs/dependecies etc.)

This talk introduces the audience to these challenges in celery and also explains how these can be fixed programmatically and by using latest features in Celery (3+)

The talk will provide tips and tricks in handling real life celery programming related to

  • task routing
  • conflict management
  • long running tasks
  • task co-ordination
  • task dependencies
  • task monitoring
  • celery deployment and management
  • celery canvas

The talk will also touch upon celery batch tasks (which can be used as a simpler replacement to other systems like apache kafka)

The talk will also include demos for explaining various scenarious

Speaker bio

Mahendra has been working on FOSS technologies since 1998 and is currently working as a Solutions Architect in Infosys. He has delivered talks in various FOSS conferences (FOSS.in, Linux-Bangalore and Bang!inux) on wide range of topics (Sysadmin, development, Linux kernel, NetBSD).

Mahendra has been developing server side products and solutions using Python for the last six years.

He has been involved in promoting FOSS technologies in various positions (BLUG co-ordinator, manager for FOSS.in, Linux Bangalore etc.)
