Python Celery

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Authors Mahendra M
Level Intermediate
Topic Concurrency
Tags python, celery, task queues, django

Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well.

This talk will focus on the need for celery, it's features, core architecture, development and use cases. Also, a demo of using celery along with django.

  • The need for job distribution
  • Need for job queuing in real world systems - specially web backends
  • Celery architecture and design
  • Brief introduction to AMQP protocol and how celery uses it
  • Demo of celery. Tasks, task sets etc.
  • Demo of celery with django
  • Limitations of celery
  • Extending celery.
  • Comparison with other frameworks (beanstalk etc.)
Profile of the authors

Mahendra has been working on FOSS technologies since 1998 and is currently working as a Solution's Architect in Infosys. He has delivered talks in various FOSS conferences (, Linux-Bangalore and Bang!inux) on wide range of topics (Sysadmin, development, Linux kernel, NetBSD).

Mahendra has been developing server side products and solutions using Python for the last four years.

He has been involved in promoting FOSS technologies in various positions (BLUG co-ordinator, manager for, Linux Bangalore etc.)


Past talks

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mahendra-celery-pycon-2010.pdf 363.4 KB september 8, 2010 I am not giving lot of code samples on the slides. will cover that in a demo

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