PyCon India 2009
26th and 27th September 2009
Venue: IISC, Bengaluru
Talk Title Can your UI change colors like a chameleon?
Speaker Vikrant Patil
Anand Janakiraman
Level Moderate
Category Normal talk (45 - 60 minutes)
Accepted True
Scheduled True
Presentation Materials Click to see the presentation materials
Abstract Strand's avadis(TM) platform is a powerful data mining and visualization platform with the core largely in JAVA with bits and pieces of C++, and a powerful scripting wrapper using Python/Jython. Over years, this platform has been used in multiple products with different user interfaces. This necessitates the need to be able to quickly put together different interfaces over the underlying platform. This talk describes how the use of Python/Jython has enabled us to do rapid UI development in the avadis(TM) platform.
Rating Score: 2 from 4 ratings

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