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RESTful APIs with Tastypie

by Sanket Saurav (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


The attendees would learn how to implement a RESTful API for a django-powered web application.


Tastypie is a webservice API framework for Django. It provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces.

This session focuses on getting a fully-functional, production-ready RESTful API for a sample Django application up and running. The major topics covered are:

  • Installing and configuring djando-tastypie with your Django project

  • Creating customized resources to interact with the models

  • Adding different types of authentication and authorization to the API

  • Customizing bundles before serving the resources

  • Adding caching, validation, and pagination

  • Working with Foreign Key fields on resources


  • A laptop with your favorite OS. I'll be using my favorite GNU/Linux distro, though.

  • Python 2.7.x. You can get it from here in case you're on Windows.

  • Internet connection, so you can install pip, django, tastypie, etc.

  • Your favorite text editor. Mine's better than yours, though.

Speaker bio

I love Python, the Web and speaking. I've been speaking at workshops across the country on Python and web applications development for over a year now. I'm a co-founder of CampusHash where we are building an advanced talent assessment and discovery platform. Our current stack runs Django and we use Tastypie as our REST API provider. On weekends, I try to solve small, real problems through my side-projects mostly in Python. You can peek a look at them here.