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NoSQL storage solutions for enterprise class applications

by Vishal Kanaujia (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


Enterprise applications have distinguished requirements for persistent data storage. It includes high availability, data integrity, scalability and performance. Traditional relational data stores are struggling to meet requirements and use cases of modern applications, especially class of e-commerce, multimedia and social media applications.

NoSQL storage offers simple, efficient and feature-rich solutions for enterprise class applications.


We evaluate NoSQL persistent data store and understand architecture and design of popular, open-source NoSQL databases (MongoDB, CouchDB, RiakDB). We compare them based on various parameters including performance, scalability, suitability for real time applications. We present examples of integrating these data stores with your Python applications. Next, we would share our recommendations and learning to help you decide what suits your business and technical requirements.


Basic understanding of storage systems, databases

Speaker bio

Vishal Kanaujia is a Python developer and technology enthusiast. He has delivered talks and written articles on Python. He has been a speaker at Pycon New Zealand, PyCon APAC, PyCon India and SciPy India.

He has interest in fields including Python internals, storage systems, Filesystems, and search technologies, and application performance optimization.

Open source projects
seFS (https://github.com/cjgiridhar/seFS) pyrebootops (https://github.com/cjgiridhar/pyrebootops/)

- Dissecting memory mysteries of Python, PyCon New Zealand, India 2013 - FUSEing Python for rapid development of storage efficient file system, PyCon APAC, 2012, Singapore - Rapid development of website search in Python, PyCon India, 2012

- http://freethreads.wordpress.com/


Chetan Giridhar is a Python developer and open source enthusiast. He works as a Lead Engineer & Evangelist at BlueJeans Network and is an associate editor at The Python Papers. He has delivered talks and written articles on Python in magazines.

1. FUSEing Python for rapid development of storage efficient file system, PyCon APAC, June 2012
2. Rapid development of website search in Python, PyCon India, September 2012
3.‘Python threads: Dive into GIL!’, PyCon India, Sept 2011


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    [-] konark modi 239 days ago


    Request you to please submit rough structure of how you are planning to cover the vast topics in stipulated time.

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