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Python Performance Profiling: The Guts And The Glory

by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Technical level


Attendees will learn which Python profiler to use, and how to use it. They'll see how the profiler's output can guide their optimization efforts, and to estimate the possible improvement from any optimization.


Your Python program is too slow, and you need to optimize it. Where do you start? With the right tools, you can optimize your code where it counts. We’ll explore the guts of the Python profiler “Yappi” to understand its features and limitations. We’ll learn how to find the maximum performance wins with minimum effort.

Speaker bio

Senior Python Engineer at MongoDB in New York City. Author of GreenletProfiler, a Python profiler that works with Gevent. Also wrote Motor, an async MongoDB driver for Tornado, and Toro, a library of locks and queues for Tornado coroutines. Contributor to Python, Yappi, PyMongo, MongoDB, Tornado, and asyncio.

Past speaking experience:
“Writing an Excellent Programming Blog” at Open Source Bridge in 2014. “Python Profiling: The Guts And The Glory” at PyCon APAC in 2014. “What Is Async, How Does It Work, and When Should I Use It?” at PyCon, PyCon APAC, and OSCON in 2014. “Night of the Living Thread” on a Python standard library bug, Austin Python Meetup November 2013.


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