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Smarter Django views with Class Based Views and Braces

by Pavan Mishra (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Technical level


Use class based views to write beautiful, extensible and declarative views. Use braces library to cover more real view usages.


Some love it and some hate it. Still django class-based views have proved to have their own use-cases. In this talk we will discuss how you can use CBVs to write organized, encapsulated, declarative, extensible and beautiful way. CBVs can take little getting used to, this discussion should get you started. Augmented with braces library, CBVs can go a long way to prove their worth.


  • experience developing django apps
  • OOP in python

Speaker bio

An experienced python programmer.
Built his startup(Imly -- http://imly.in) around Python/Django, related tools. Has time and again used python in other startups that he has worked with.
Both the initial imly and newer model imply use CBVs heavily.