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Salt Stack

by Muzammil Rehman (speaking)

Technical level


salt stack is distributed remote execution and configuration management tool build on python. Attendees will be able to understand how to use salt and its advantages in managing large infrastructure,configuration and complex automation.


I will be talking about
What salt stack is, how its come into existence, and how it is different from existing tools
How to install and configure it,
Where it can help in maintain large infrastructure, its a feature rich options.
How to write basic salt modules/api,
How salt configuration management can be leveraged,
How LinkedIn is using salt to manage application stack and infrastructure
Things that we have to watch when running salt stack
Followed by a brief demo.

Speaker bio

I am Senior SRE at LinkedIn with 7 years of industry experience. As part of my job, I use salt stack heavily in day to day activity, I am also responsible in managing the salt infrastructure.

Python is my preferred language of coding, for web-app i prefer flask, bootstrap, wtf forms, data-tables. I am a technology enthusiasts and passionate on developing large scale infrastructure, I believe complex and large operations don't necessarily have to be complex, simplicity is the best way.


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    [-] Baiju Muthukadan 269 days ago

    Please provide links to slides and videos from your previous sessions; anything that'll help folks decide if they want to attend your session

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    [-] Muzammil Rehman 268 days ago

    I have added the link to the slides, you can directly access them from www.slideshare.net/muzammilr/salt-stack-introduction

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    [-] Baiju Muthukadan 268 days ago

    I am very much interested in SaltStack , so I hope this talk will get accepted. BTW, I have given a Salt related talk recently at rootconf'14: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFSQ8yb7xRo

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