Hands on with Real Time Web Framework Meteor + Comparison of high computing dbs
by priya arora (speaking)
To share what I have learnt while implementing a project for National Health Services.
Will discuss:
What is real time webframework
Comparison with other frameworks
Hands-on by implementing a small app using this framework
Being based on mongodb, so will understand the efficiency among different DBs.
Need a laptop with Meteor framework 0.8.0 installed in it.
Can refer to this website for it's installation part. https://www.meteor.com/
Speaker bio
Passionate about FOSS
Currently working on Mirex project on Audio tag classification.
Working on meteor framework for building a reporting system for NHS, UK
Highly passionate to understand the computational difference among different DBs.
This should be in a JS conference talk than PyCon talk.
Right Kushal but did we say the same when Jacob Moss was explaining a lot about Meteor in Pycon2012 ?
It's one thing to look at a framework in another framework and compare it to options (or lack thereof) in Python, but it's another thing to give a talk focused 100% on that framework while ignoring Python altogether.
This doesn't qualify as a valid talk for PyCon India and I move for it to be disqualified.