This tutorial is about creating the CMS engine with Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy, WTForms, Flask-WTF, Flask-Migrate and WebHelpers.
The CMS will include the following features
- Authentication System.
- DashBoard.
- Reddit styled Community Blog.
- SEO urls.
- Django styled migrations.
Working installation of Flask 0.10 and Python 2.7+ with all the other dependencies like Flask-SQLAlchemy, WTForms, Flask-WTF, Flask-Migrate and WebHelpers.
Speaker bio
A junior at SSN College of Engineering with main experience in Python.
My research interests lie in artificial life, and artificial intelligence using computer science and statistics as tools to understand life and its numerous aspects.
I have done numerous open source projects which includes
- FlaskBlog - An extensive tutorial on writing web applications in Python using the Flask microframework.
- PyTransmit - With more than 2000 downloads per month, PyTransmit is a simple wrapper on top of the ftplib package which provides an object that can be used to make FTP calls to a PyTransmit installation.
- HNScrapy - Hacker News Crawler based upon Scrapy which crawls the entire site and stores the links in the Database.
- Pygram - Instagram-like image filters.
You can find the source code from my github profile.
You can contact me at contact@pypix.com
Was this intended to be a hands on tutorial? Do you want to consider resubmitting/classifying this as a workshop?
Yes, its intended to be a hands on session. Yes, i can reclassify it as workshop. Thanks.