Introduction to message queues. We will use RabbitMQ to learn how to set up different segments of a messaging system (producer, exchange, queue, consumer).
After setting up the message queue, we will learn to monitor our queues using the rabbitmqctl (CLI) and a RabbitMQ Management plugin (GUI).
General introduction to AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), message brokers in general and RabbitMQ.
Implementation of RabbitMQ message queues for different purposes:
- "Hello World!" example, a basic producer - queue - consumer example.
- Setting up Task Queues with fair dispatch of messages.
- Publish/Subscribe example - Using "fanout" exchanges.
- Logging Example - Using "direct" exchanges. Multiple queues. Messages routed to queues using binding key.
- Using "topic" exchanges - Bind queues to exchanges in a specific pattern.
Demonstrating the rabbitmqctl command line tool, its usage and monitoring the task queues using RabbitMQ Management plugin.
- RabbitMQ-server
- python-pika
- rabbitmqctl
- RabbitMQ Management plugin
Speaker bio
I am a 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering student at Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur.
Being passionate about python, I have worked on some personal and open source projects based on python.
I prefer working on web development projects, primarily, Django.
Did a lot of work while implementing asynchronous RabbitMQ messaging while interning at Bangalore based startup, HackerEarth, which might be worth sharing.
Can you please put more details on how this talk will be different than example docs?