Explain asyncio to Python programmers who are new to asyncio. After attending this session, people will acquire the correct mindset of writing asynchronous code with asyncio and be able to use it for basic cases. People will understand the main difference between asyncio way and threading way in solving multiple I/O requests problem.
What I will cover:
- Introduction of the speaker. The kind of problems that asyncio is designed to solve. (5 min)
The problem: I/O is slow and we need to handle multiple I/O requests efficiently.
- The model of asyncio way, sequential way, and threaded way. (5 min)
The main difference between them in solving multiple I/O requests (downloading webpages from 3 news websites).
- Basic cases. (5 min)
Simple demonstration of asyncio code and threaded code and the comparison between them.
- Write code asynchronously with asyncio. (5 min)
The difference between synchronous code and asynchronous code and why we should use asynchronous code in asyncio.
- The main technical detail in writing asyncio code. (5 min)
"yield from" and asyncio.coroutine decorator.
- Another problem that is being solved with asyncio way and threading way. (3 min)
Calling another process and communicate between them with pipe.
- Closing. (2 min)
Speaker bio
I am a regular contributor to Python core:
I am a not-so-regular contributor to Django:
I am a creator of Wallpapoz:
Prefer to call it "Asyncio explained" rather than for dummies.
If this proposal is accepted, I don't mind to change the title.
Vajrasky, I love the work you've done. It'd be great if you can flesh out the description just a bit and provide links to past speaker videos. That would help people decide if they want to attend.
Hi Aravind, I will flesh out the description and provide links to past speaker videos tomorrow. Thanks for the comment.