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Write Faster Django Tests - Path to Solid Test coverage and TDD

by Vaibhav Mishra (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Technical level


Effective approach for developers using TDD- I will cover various techniques that can be used to make tests faster, these methods will save precious development time and frustration and various methodology to follow TDD in django codebase,
By the end of it you will know
1. How to Run tests faster
2. How to write faster unit tests
3. Make use of coverage statistics to visualize tests


The Session will cover various techniques to make your tests faster,
often when tests are slow, they are altogether avoided and put into a dungeon where nobody can see it, this talk will touch into various methods which can be employed to ensure faster tests

  1. Use mocking to avoid hitting database / network
  2. Use simple database engines for faster test processing
  3. an introduction to mocking with a flavor of django

Refer slides to look at the content although it is in draft right now.

Speaker bio

Vaibhav Mishra is a software engineer at Dion global solutions in Mumbai. He is a Django Developer and is doing it for 3 years. He's enthusiastic about open source, technology communities, and Python.