Deep dive into the code and internals of Flask/Bottle/Requests
by Aravind Krishnaswamy (proposing)
This is a proposal requesting for someone to speak on this topic. If you’d like to speak, leave a comment.
I'd love to see a few advanced talks at PyCon. One possible topic would be to take a few popular libraries or framework and do a deep dive into the code.
This would help advanced developers develop a deeper understanding of what it takes to
- write great code - learn from the best
- design great libraries and frameworks
- understand the nuances of the libraries under the hood
Possible libraries/frameworks to consider, which IMO are good examples of small, well written, powerful libraries/frameworks
If there are other popular libraries that are better candidates for a dive, feel free to suggest them in the comments.
And perhaps most importantly, who would be a good person from the local community to take up these topics? Feel free to nominate someone you know or respect.
Speaker bio
Open - looking for a speaker
Can't wait for this one :-) , attended aravind session in pycon-in 2013 on flask opened my eyes to a new world :D , now if somebody takes the charge of going for an advanced session it might be really cool :-)
This sounds like a great talk. I bet a lot of people would be looking at understanding how things work under the hood. I'd surely attend this one!
Abhishek/Aravind Could you please tell me what are the advanced topics you want to have on flask/bottle. I am planning to propose but I dont want to continue the same basics which were been told in many pycon sessions around the world.
@kampy - what I had in mind was a deep dive into the code of flask. Helping intermediate users understand and appreciate it not just as a user of Flask, but as a developer
Hope this helps. Let's continue the discussion thread here, get inputs from others. Once we close on who will speak about what - we can switch the speaker name on this proposal (currently empty).
Do you think this could be a panel? I don't have my thoughts structured around a full talk, but I could peek into one aspect.
IMHO, a panel is bound to get side-tracked and meander into topics that might make this otherwise very interesting session, into a dull discussion.
@Aravind - thanks for specifying the topics. I will start working on this from today. and will update the topics regarding the same.
Can anyone suggest me the advanced topics related to web services so that i can add both in a session.
I am completely new to web services and web apps i need some inputs from all so that I will present this session. I am eagerly waiting for this.
Please help me so that I will make my frist ever session a great success.
Hi @kampy, if you are new to web services and apps, you may not be the best candidate to cover an advanced topic? Perhaps you may want to consider proposing a beginner/intermediate topic instead?
Below are the topics which i want to present.
1. Introduction to Wrekzeug.
2. Sample code.
3. URL Routing in Wrekzeug.
4. HTTP Utilities in Wrekzeug
5. Templating in Wrekzeug
i. Introduction to jinja2 ii. Sample jinja2 template code 6. Implementation of Wrekzeug and Jinja2 in Flask.
Please provide your opinion and suggestions.
Thanks in advance.