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Building an open source Python application the right way

by Kiran Gangadharan (speaking)

Core Python
Technical level


This talk focuses on general guidelines/tips that one must follow when open sourcing a Python application.


The world is moving towards open-source, yet a lot of folks don't really know the right way of writing an open source application. This talk focuses on general guidelines/tips that everyone must follow when open sourcing a Python application.

~ What does "the right way" mean ?

It means making your application easier to setup, use, develop and contribute.


Python 2.x

Speaker bio

My name is Kiran Gangadharan. I currently work as a developer at WalletKit, Inc. Apart from that, I do open source development and read a lot about different technologies.

I love to learn a lot about computers and try hard to write simple, clean code that solves sensible/real world problems.

Currently in love with Python, and doing most my development with it.


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