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NLTK - A look into Natural Language Processing with Python

by Sarthak Dev (speaking)

Scientific Computing
Technical level


Python is amazing. So is Natural Language Processing. Once the talk is over, the audience would be adept at the core fundamentals behind NLP and how to apply them using Python.


In the day and age of predictive software and reduced click-motion, natural language processing plays a huge role in our daily technical lives. We all like to use speech-based systems to trigger actions on our mobile/computers.

The main motive behind this session is to open up more people to the myriad possibilities that NLP opens up for us developers. To start things off, we'll be going through some basic operations using NLTK. Once the idea of using it is established, there'll be a full demo on how to make a predictive system using two kinds of datasets: self-created and library-imported.


A laptop with the development environments set up.

Speaker bio

I'm a 23 year-old, working with start-ups for the last two years, where I've had to work with Machine Learning and NLP. I like to tend to the Computer Scientist side more than the Engineer side, which is why my high interest levels in both.

Having recently passed out of college, I also understand the importance of keeping a talk/workshop fun and interesting if the audience is to gain anything out of it.

What I lack in raw experience, I'd probably make up with energy and a student-like approach.


  • 1

    [-] Baiju Muthukadan 272 days ago

    Please provide links to your profile and slides and videos from your previous sessions; anything that'll help folks decide if they want to attend your session.

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