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Leverage the power of the Cloud using Python

by Venu Murthy (speaking)

Technical level


To demystify the cloud for those of us for whom the cloud is still cloudy and show how to tame the cloud using the power of Python!
After having attended this workshop the attendee would be able to understand the fundamentals of the cloud and concepts around "Infrastructure Automation" and "Infrastructure as Code".


"Infrastructure Automation" and "Infrastructure as Code" are the latest trends in the world of Cloud Computing. These terms shouldn't intimidate us once we get a "hands on" session! I had presented in the year of 2013 at the International Cloud Connect event on "leveraging the power of the cloud using python" and I will be improvising on it and being a python enthusiast will give you a hands on first hand experience on using the radically simple IT automation platform--Ansible.
Ansible is written in Python and has inherited its simplicity! You will get to try out how it makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Which helps avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.


Any one who can fire up their laptop and launch a terminal and (preferably have python installed on it already) are welcome!

Speaker bio

Venu Murthy M K
Senior Cloud Consultant
ThoughtWorks Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd

Venu Murthy has been fortunate to be the early adopters of Cloud technologies and hence has gained immense experience and knowledge on the Cloud Technologies. He has had the privilege to work on migrating large user bases along with their invaluable data on legacy systems to the Cloud. His decade long experience in all the phases of the cloud--from requirement gathering, analysis, spiking the cloud app to its deployment into the organisation and integrating it with other existing systems makes the cloud, magical! He is responsible for the most crucial cloud apps in ThoughtWorks (which has a sophisticated and large user base). He single handedly manages and monitors the cloud apps by automating most of the processes using the language he is passionate about--Python!

Courtesy: http://www.cloudconnectevent.in/speaker-profiles


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    [-] Kiran Gangadharan 370 days ago

    Kindly provide the following:

    • Make requirements more specific. Is it not required to have ansible installed ? What version of Python to use ?
    • Add download links for requirements
    • Do provide videos of your previous talks, if any. They are crucial for the panel to judge your ability as a speaker.

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    [-] Venu Murthy 223 days ago

    Apologies for the delay in replying Kiran,

    1. The basic criteria for this session would be if a person can boot up a computer, that should be sufficient. It would be good if the attendee can have Virtualbox installed on their machine, https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads.
      I will be providing the full appliance to be imported which will have everything already installed and configured.

    2. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

    3. I am not sure about where the video recording of my session is, seems like I've lost it, but you can see my speaker profile with "C" level executives on this link http://www.cloudconnectevent.in/speaker-profiles
      and the slide deck used then is on this link https://www.slideshare.net/VenuMurthy/python-andcloud

    Hope that helps!

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