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Pragmatic approach to Single Page apps using Django and Backbone

by Souvik Basu (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


Attendees will understand how to create single page web sites using Python and Javascript MVC frameworks.


A real world case study of how we made a single page travel web site using Django and Backbone. Both support MVC, one on server side, the other on client side. We had to make a lot of pragmatic decisions on how to integrate the two frameworks to create a State of the Art travel site delivering an outstanding User Experience.

We will also discuss about other combinations of frameworks to create SPA and under what circumstances Django + Backbone makes more sense than others.


Basic knowledge of Python and Javascript

Speaker bio

Hobbyist programmer since Y2K bug (1999), coding professionally since 2003. Currently contributes to Python based OpenStack cloud computing project.

Area of Interest: Python, C#, WPF, HTML5, Silverlight, Human Computer Interface and Usablity, Graphics, AI

Recent Technical Sessions conducted:

  • Responsive MVVM at the Great Indian Developer Summit, Bangalore (2012)

  • Easy steps to move from Silverlight to HTML5 at the Great Indian Developer Summit, Bangalore (2012)

  • Continuous Visibility at Agile Tour, Bangalore (2012)