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Django based cloud Programming Platform

by Saswat Raj (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


This session highlights the features of a cloud based programming tool including server-side code compilation, error analysis and PaaS for Remote Debugging using Django as the Primary tool.


This session talks about the journey of development of a cloud Programming Platform using Django as the prominent tool. This cloud platform has Remote Compilation Capabilities in which users can compile and run snippets by submitting their codes and scripts in most existing languages. With use of Django libraries, we analyse for errors and monitor time and space usages at runtime. We also bring to light features which make it a remarkable tool for professional development as well as competitions and programming challenges. The Django server at the backend is masked with a web interface incorporating most essential editing capabilities of disk-resident IDEs. It’s as easy as it gets; just fire up your browser and code away, and here at PyCon we will tell you how Python makes this possible!


  • basic idea of Python and Django

Speaker bio

I am a Software Engineer and a python enthusiast. I am passionate about programming and love working with Django Web Development. I am the Co-founder of Enfoss Inc. and the head of the Endeavour Project.