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Real-time Web Development - When REST is not enough

by Yogesh Chaudhari (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


This session will teach people how to write simple single page real-time web apps using Django with node. This will include a brief introduction to Django, node.js and socket.io.


The session will serve as a "how to" for creating real-time web apps using Django for RESTful purposes and node for responsive portions. We will write a very simple app from scratch using Django and node to demonstrate how REST and responsive components can work together.

We will discuss use cases of this beyond just chat applications and see practical apps that are available on web.

I will also demo how I created a a single page web app based on web audio api to demonstrate the benefits of using this 'hybrid' approach.


Python 2.7

Speaker bio

I am a grad student of computer engineering at Virginia Tech and perennial noob programmer. I enjoy coding, breaking and fixing software.

I've been working with Python since past year. I love working with the OSS community and I'm an active contributor to python and few other FOSS projects.