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Test your code

by Ratnadeep Debnath (speaking)

Technical level


To learn how to write tests for Python projects. It goes without saying that if a project is not tested, it's broken. Testing is an integral part of software development and it needs to be taken very seriously. Testing helps in writing better, reliable and robust applications. So, let's take a dive into how to start testing your Python app with the awesome tools available out there.


In this workshop, people will get introduced to:

  • How and why to write tests.
  • How to organize codes to write better tests
  • Different types of testing: unittest, system test, integration test, doctests.
  • Different tools: nose, mock, coverage.
  • Sample tests for web apps etc.

To summarize, it's a comprehensive session on getting started with testing based on the knowledge I accumulated over the years on testing.


  • python
  • nose
  • mock
  • coverage
  • django
  • A desire to learn :-)

Speaker bio

Ratnadeep Debnath is a Python/Django developer formerly working at Transifex (as developer and QA) and currently working at Goibibo. He's a Fedora ambassador and a FOSS contributor with contributions to Mozilla, Django, Transifex, Askbot, etc.

He has been a speaker in many a technical conferences. He's very passionate about the web and keeps on tinkering with new stuff to create something different. When not working, he likes to try his luck with cooking.


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    [-] Haris Ibrahim K. V. 597 days ago

    This is one session I don't want to miss. Being a beginner doing Python projects, I have always wondered about the importance of having tests and its coverage.

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    [-] Mrinmoy Das 564 days ago

    What are the prerequisites ?
    A noob here :)

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    [-] Ratnadeep Debnath 560 days ago

    Hey Mrinmoy,

    Thanks for your interest. Prerequisites for the session will be basics of Python, e.g., class, subclassing, decorators. Also, if you could go through the above links I have shared, we can have a sound discussion too :)

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    [-] Ratnadeep Debnath 537 days ago

    You can find the slides here:

    and the related code examples here:

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