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Build and Customize RESTful Web Services with Django-Tastypie

by Gaurav Toshniwal (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


The objective of the session is to understand Tastypie's features and to learn how to use and customize them.

In the session, the following will be covered:
1. Introduction to Django Models
2. Quickly create basic RESTful APIs using Django Models and Tastypie only.
3. Customizing APIs to accommodate business logic.
4. Authentication and authorization
5. If time permits, a performance comparison between Tastypie generated APIs and APIs written from scratch using django views


With dynamic mobile applications and structured single paged web applications being the current technology trend, there is a more-than-ever need to use the best, quickest and low bandwidth techniques to exchange data with the server.
RESTful Web Services are the most commonly accepted solution for the same.

Tastypie, an API framework for Django, provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable, abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces.


If you wish to follow along with the demo, packages required are:
- django
- django-tastyipe

Speaker bio

IIT Bombay alum and Co-founder, WireddIn Interactive

I've been working with Python since past 3 years (since college) and Django since past couple of years. I gave a couple of talks in my college Web and Coding Club on Python.

I created my first version of pseudo REST style interface couple of years back on Google App engine. My next experiment with RESTful interfaces was a year back, this time using Tastypie, which I just fell in love with. Since then I've created such Web services for multiple projects, the fastest development time being 15 mins (including writing the models).

At WireddIn, we focus on building mobile and structured web applications. I also lead Web Frontend development at WireddIn, using AngularJS, Backbonejs, etc for creating structured Web Applications.

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