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Django + Tastypie, Writing APIs in minutes

by Hiemanshu Sharma (speaking)

Web Development
Technical level


This will teach people how to write RESTful APIs using Django and Tastypie within minutes. There will be an introduction to both Django and Tastypie.


A simple guide on Django and on writing RESTful APIs using Tastypie. The session will involve writing a small Django backend starting from scratch and exposing APIs using RESTful, including a basic auth.

Speaker bio

I am an Android OS Hacker & Python Dev at Ninetology, Bangalore. I love Python and writing backends using Flask and Django. Love working with the community for a lot of things and always love to give back to the community as well.


  • 1

    [-] Anand Chitipothu 604 days ago

    Can you please add links to your previous presentations, workshops if any? Links to blog, github profile etc. will also help.

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