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Writing better command line scripts in Python

by Vineet Naik (speaking)

Core Python
Technical level


This talk will be about using Python to write command line scripts and will discuss best practices and some useful utilities that make it easy to write reusable, maintainable and elegant command line interfaces.


Following topics will be covered:

  1. Why use Python for command line scripts?
  2. Building elegant and extensible commands
  3. A few good command parsers with examples
  4. Best practices. DOs and DONTs.
  5. Providing scripts from python packages
  6. Some other handy libs/utilities

Update I gave this talk at Mumpy meet that happened on 21st July. The slides for the same are uploaded here - https://speakerdeck.com/naiquevin/writing-elegant-command-line-scripts-in-python


Working knowledge of Python (2.x)
Basic linux command line experience

Speaker bio

I am a programmer with 4 years of experience and using Python since ~3 years. Although most of my experience is related to web technologies, I take interest in building command line tools and applications mainly for text processing and to automate tedious tasks. For anything that is too cumbersome to be written in bash, I look no further than Python.

I work at Kodeplay in Mumbai, where we are currently building a customer service solution, KodeCRM using Python/Django and a bunch of other technologies.


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    [-] Jaidev Deshpande 611 days ago

    As a data analyst, there's a lot of routine work I do which I would love to replace with command line scripts. This looks quite useful and fun. Looking forward to this.

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    [-] Haris Ibrahim K. V. 597 days ago

    Yep, someway or the other you start doing all these repetitive work and wonder if it is at all possible to replace it with a script. Will be definitely useful to know this.

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