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Game development using pyBox2D and PyGame

by Tirtha Chatterjee (speaking)

Technical level


To give an overview of how to use the 2d physics engine pybox2d to create a realistic physics game.


The workshop will cover how to use a physics engine like pybox2d to simulate 2D physics, and how to use the game engine pygame for managing the GUI and controls. By the end of the workshop, we aim to have a functional minimalistic 2d game that has real-world physics.


Students need to bring their laptops.
Also, a working internet connection and power is needed.

Speaker bio

I have been working with python for the last 4 years, and have created a game using pygame and pybox2d before. I have experimented with game engines like ioquake, bullet, box2d for quite sometime now.


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    [-] Noufal Ibrahim 601 days ago

    Power definitely. The internet might not be reliable at the conference. If there are things that need to be downloaded, it would be best to provide them on a USB stick.

    Why else do you need the internet?

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    [-] Haris Ibrahim K. V. 597 days ago

    It might be good to have the requirements listed down here itself so that we can get all the necessary software installed before attending the session.

    Looking forward to this. :)

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