What's different at this year's PyCon India 2020 DevSprints

PyCon India 2020 is THE place for developers from across the country and beyond to gather and celebrate Python. But what good is a tech conference without getting your hands dirty writing some code? Hence, for all open-source enthusiasts out there, the PyCon India team is happy to announce Devsprints @ PyCon India 2020.

To folks that might ask, what are Devsprints?

Devsprints are a 2 day event being organised at PyCon India 2020 to promote open-source contribution and getting people started with it.

At devsprints, mentors/contributors of popular OSS projects are there to guide you through the end-to-end process of making your very first open-source contribution. Right from setting up the build environments, to developing and testing code, to submitting patches for bugs and features. If you are stuck anywhere, mentors will be available right on the stream to help you figure out issues and resolve them as best as they can! From past experiences, we’ve seen a lot of people start off contributing to FOSS through PyCon India Devsprints and later go on to become regular contributors to various projects across the web.

How is it different this year!

2020 has been a roller coaster for all of us. And, we want to sure we make the most of it. Hence, this year the devsprints will be conducted online on 4th and 5th October 2020 at the Hopin conference platform. In addition to that, project maintainers will be available async on Zulip with each project having their own stream. With Devsprints on 4th October 2020, you can also check out our 2 track workshops that will be happening that day as well. Tickets are selling out fast for Workshops! Grab them now! For one ticket, you will be getting access to all 8 workshops, their content and also any resources that speakers are going to share!

Need Contributors for your project?

If you are a contributor or have been involved in the maintenance of any Python-based open-source projects, please come forward and add your project to the PyCon India 2020 Devsprints. Ideally, you should have a history with the project through previous code commits. Your responsibility will be to help new contributors set up their development environment, list out beginner-friendly bugs, and guide folks on any problems they face during the event.

How to add your Project?

  • Fill this Google form to provide your project and contact details.
  • Later, navigate to our GitHub wiki and edit the Projects table using the edit button to add your project details in correct markdown format.

Note: You need to be logged into your GitHub account to edit the page

If you have any questions regarding the devsprints, be sure to reach out to us on Zulip over on the #2020/devsprint stream!

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