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Document your code

by kushaldas (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Session type
Technical level


Explaining the requirement of documenting code bases in pythonic way. Showing different tips/tricks people use in real in various upstream projects.


Writing documentation can lead to better code.

We will start from why and will go into details of how to document python codebases.

topics in the talk

  • What to write -- What all details a developer should at least add
  • reStructuredText -- a quick review of rst with examples
  • Sphinx -- details of sphinx with example
  • http://readthedocs.org -- How to use readthedocs for your project

Speaker bio

Kushal Das is a developer & contributor to various FOSS projects. He is using Python as his primary language for the last 6 years. He is upstream author for various python applications and libraries. He blogs at http://kushaldas.in


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