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Python programming with Raspberry Pi and Portable Python

by Samarth Shah (speaking)

Embedded/Real-time Python
Session type
Technical level


  1. Setting up Raspberry Pi for Python Programming

  2. Running several python script with Raspberry Pi

  3. Introduction to Portable Python and Image Processing with Portable Python


For many years people are using python but according to me it is time to see some futuristic trends in python programming. This talk is divided in two parts : 1. Raspberry Pi 2. Portable Python

  1. Raspberry Pi In the first part of the talk I will present how to set up Raspberry Pi (It is a credit card sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation) for Python programming. First part is also followed by demonstration of several scripts running on Raspberry Pi. The examples includes basics of Python and Basic Scientific Computing.

  2. Portable Python Second part contains "How to set up portable python". It also include how to do image processing in python. It is also followed by examples like image operation (crop,Enhancement,merge and many more) and several filters.

This talk is complete different from traditional talk presented earlier and give more insight how python can be used more effective way.

Speaker bio

I am an Electronics Engineer.I have experience on Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV). I have also done remarkable work with Kinect in open source environment. I write articles for "Linux For You", an open-source magazine.My area of interest includes Open Source Computer Vision , Arduino ,Raspberry Pi , Human Computer Interaction , Python , HTML 5. I spoke at "Electronics Design Engineer Conference" on "Design Gesture Recognition Devices". I am also speaker at "Electronics Rocks'12" conference along with founder of "Raspberry Pi".In my spare time I write motivational thoughts and share the good one at my blog.(Link: https://shahsamarth.wordpress.com)


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