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Learning from the Past: with Scikit-Learn

by Anoop Thomas (speaking)

Scientific Computing
Session type
Technical level


The talk aims in enabling python programmers to leverage the capabilities of scikit-learn, a powerful machine learning library in python, to classify and forecast, using their existing historical data, without much of a complex hassle.


Scikit-Learn is a popular library for machine learning in python, which can be leveraged in identifying patterns in data we deal everyday, and take necessary initiatives to optimize our solutions. Talk will walk through k-means clustering and a few other features provided by scikit-learn, and will try to solve a real world problem with the help of scikit-learn

Speaker bio

Anoop Thomas Mathew is a Python enthusiast with more than two years of experience in the industry. With the title of Director of R&D, Profoundis Pvt. Ltd., he created and manages the team behind Momentous Business Suite, a complete solution for SME Data Analytics.


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