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PY 101 - Beginners guide to create a python package

by Kracekumar Ramaraju (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Session type
Technical level


Guide to create python package(third party libraries) and release package to pypi.


Normal python user will use third party libraries like requests or json, we are aware how to these libraries work. Lets us develop one such application and upload to pypi.

In this tutorial following topics will be covered

  1. How does python setup.py install works
  2. How does pip install Flask works
  3. Usage of various tools like distribute or setuptools
  4. Organizing python package.
  5. Testing python packages in different versions like python 2.6, python 2.7, pypy1.8 etc using travis
  6. How to use github to manage the package.
  7. How to use readthedoc.org to setup docs(basic)


  1. Basic Python knowledge
  2. Little familiarity with github and git.
  3. Preferably Linux based OS.
  4. Your own laptop.

Speaker bio

I am kracekumar works @ hasgeek , pythonista, FOSSian. I am using python for past 2 years for variety of personal and professional tasks like auto mounting disks during linux startup, song fetcher, web development with Flask, IRC bot written in Twisted etc ... I have contributed to various open source projects like twython, clint, args, flask, envoy, mead. I am the creator of pycoderwall, iplsaga and various projects.

More about me:

Github, Twitter, Quora


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    [-] Anand Chitipothu 929 days ago

    It would be nice to cover a bit about Sphinx and hosting docs on readthedocs.org or packages.python.org.

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      [-] Kracekumar Ramaraju 927 days ago

      Valid point, I will cover basic introduction to readthedocs.org and found kushaldas is doing a talk on it http://in.pycon.org/2012/funnel/pyconindia2012/8-document-your-code, this might set the tone.

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    [-] Vikas Kumar Choudhary 876 days ago

    Please upload slides

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