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Text Analysis with python

by Vijay Ramachandran (speaking)

Scientific Computing
Session type
Technical level


Learn how to use python to perform common text analysis and machine learning tasks such as entity recognition, sentiment analysis, product recommendations, etc.


Data mining of text using machine learning is fast becoming an essential part of a programmer's skillset. I'll talk about my experiences performing various text mining tasks using machine learning and statistical techniques. I'll cover the basic mathematical concepts behind techniques such as classification and clustering, and how I used python in creating software which uses these techniques.

Speaker bio

I've been developing software for almost 20 years now. Most of it was bulding boiler-plate scalable application server software. However, I spent the last 5 years using ML and AI techniques to make sense out of user generated text. My LI profile: http://in.linkedin.com/in/vijayramachandran


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    [-] Anand B Pillai 923 days ago

    Kindly note: Your talk needs more content in the description section for evaluation. Please add more content describing your talk. Think in terms of how you plan to present the talk and virtually walk through the slides here - Thanks - Admin.

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    [-] Vijay Ramachandran 876 days ago


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    [-] Roshan Singh 875 days ago

    Hi Vijay, I attended your talk today. Can you share the slide and your email id.

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