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Neo4J and Python: Playing with graph data

by Sonal Raj (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Technical level


This talk introduces the world of graphs, their utility and the efficient use of the Neo4J graph database for some super cool day to day applications with the help of py2neo.


The world is built on graphs and software rotates around it too. Neo4J is a next generation NoSQL graph database that that objectifies and stores records in the form of nodes and relationships, which not only makes it incredibly user-friendly but also robust.

This talk introduces graph databases and their utilities and goes on to highlight some cool use cases of graph databases and use of the RESTful interface of Neo4J. The key areas of focus of the session would include:

  • Introduction to Graphs

  • Graph and Data Models

  • NoSQL Databases at their best

  • Neo4J, its installation and configuration

  • Working with Cypher, the query language for Neo4J

  • py2neo, and how python makes life simpler for graphDb users

  • integrating cypher queries with py2neo

  • some cool use cases demonstated.

This talk is designed for those who are fascinated by graphs and would love to learn about more ways to include their use in day to day software needs.


Speaker bio

Sonal Raj is a pythonista, geek, and an open source developer with a passion for gadgets and technology.

He works on Distributed Computing, Real Time processing, Android and other cool stuff in his spare time with Python as the primary weapon. He began his entrepreneural journey with Enfoss and Botcubes.He is currently works at Sigmoid Analytics.

He has published code and Contributed to several Open Source Projects. He has also spoken at SERC @ IISc-B and PyCon 2013.