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Extending GDB with Python

by Nitin Rathi (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Technical level


GNU Debugger provides facility to manipulate and monitor values of a program's internal variables. In this talk we will use python to extend its capabilities to write custom commands and extensions for GDB.


  1. Access frames using python and do magic on them.
  2. We will write our own Pretty-Printer.
  3. We will write our own custom commands.
  4. Changing name of existing commands in GDB
  5. Adding new GDB parameters.


GDB configured using --with-python.

Speaker bio

I am currently working with the Electronic Arts, India. I have been using python for past 4 years.


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    [-] Manish Gill 257 days ago

    Care to provide some more information regarding the subject matter? Is it just GDB extensions (which presumably we can use to debug regular C/C++ programs), or does it also incorporate Python debugging/pdb into it as well?

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    [-] Nitin Rathi 252 days ago

    It will be a gdb extension to debug regular c/c++ programs.

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    [-] Aravind Krishnaswamy 229 days ago

    Nitin, this is interesting. Can you provide more information? A slide outline or links to videos of your previous talks would be useful. Also, links to related resources.

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      [-] Nitin Rathi 228 days ago

      This talk is about how we can control GDB using python. GDB provides us a way so that we can access frames, variables, call stacks, so that we can write our custom commands that run in side GDB but are coded using python, so this talk will be covering things like how we can access call stack, frames and variables.

      I have not given a talk on this topic before.

      Following link might be helpful:

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