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Robotframework - Python automation made simple

by Sriramkumar vh (speaking)

Technical level


Automate software testing, deployment
Understand Keydriven testing and data driven testing using examples.
Compare KDT and DDT testcases with manual testcases
Walkthrough on KDT and DDT using Robot framework.
Extending Robotframework to support any language or tools like sikuli


Automation driven testing is important to improve prodcutivity. The workshop compares the manual testing workflow to KDT,DDT and BDT. illustrates the best practises to write them with example. Then explains how to automate the testcase using python as well as other language and tools.


Linux system with python.
basic knowledge on python, shell scripting

Speaker bio

Founder and CEO of Watchy Technology pvt ltd. [www.watchy.in] . Before Watchy I had worked with Tektronics, Motorola and SIFY. Had designed and developed test automation framework internally used in Tektronics . Also blog on technology in www.technosrix.com