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Computer Vision using Python: Can webcams serve as eyes for the blind?

by Sanyam Garg (speaking)

Core Python
Technical level


The talk will help introduce the audience with the recent developments in computer vision. I will be covering the current trends in object recognition and scene understanding. Finally, I will explain how we can code to detect humans in a live video.


The best results for object detection in images were obtained when a new descriptor using grids of histogram of oriented gradients was suggested by Dalal and Triggs in their paper: "Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection". The descriptor outperformed previous feature sets for object/human detection. In my talk I will be explaining the following concepts:

a) How HOG descriptor is formed for every image
b) Training the SVM classifier using the pedestrian dataset
c) Finding objects/humans in a new image
d) Utilizing the above concepts to find humans in a live video.

The entire concept will be implemented using the OpenCV library in Python.


  1. A laptop with Windows OS installed (preferable) . You may work on any OS but I will be using Windows.

  2. Python 2.7. Download Link: https://www.python.org/download/

  3. OpenCV for Python
    Downlaod link: http://opencv.org/downloads.html
    Installation guide: http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/py_tutorials/py_setup/py_setup_in_windows/py_setup_in_windows.html

  4. An external webcam. (the front camera on the laptop will also work)

Speaker bio

I am a student at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus with more than 2 years of experience in Python and Matlab. I am a computer vision enthusiast with significant experience in active contours (Snakuscules) and color constancy algorithms (Intern - IISC, Bangalore). One of my research works on estimating glucose concentration using image processing is currently in the proceedings of 'IEEE International Conference on Image Processing'. I have lately with working on the concepts of machine learning that can be incorporated in vision systems.


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    [-] Ashwin Ashok 292 days ago

    very nice...
    very interesting. really looking forward to it

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    [-] Utkarsh Sinha 270 days ago

    Is this a workshop?

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      [-] Sanyam Garg 264 days ago

      No this is a simple talk wherein I will be explaining the concepts behind detecting humans/pedestrians in an image. The code may be explained depending upon the availability of time.

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