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Scientific Computation, Data Analysis and Visualisation Using Python

by Aniket Maithani (speaking)

Scientific Computing
Technical level


The main focus of the talk will be on how to use PYTHON for Data Analysis and Visualisation.


The talk will cover the following topics
1. Data Analysis Using PANDAS
2. Basic Libraries such as MATPLOTLIB and Visualisation
3. Dynamic Visualisation using Python
4. Other libraries such as SEABORN for statistical data visualisation
5. Using SciPy [Scipy.org]

Links :

[Seaborn] http://www.stanford.edu/~mwaskom/software/seaborn/


A laptop having python and the above mentioned libraries installed.

Python version 2.7 preferred but the libraries will work fine on latest version of Python too.

Speaker bio

FOSS/FLOSS enthusiast.
Been experimenting with Python for more than 2 years now.
Worked extensively with Pandas [Python Library]

To find out more about me you can visit my blog :FreeSpace


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