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Going Bug-free

by Anoop Thomas Mathew (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Technical level


Talk will enable attendees to be able to write bug-free (less buggy) code. Live demos on how to leverage different types of testing in different stages of development for producing stable and maintainable python code, saving the time and effort going into fixing bugs in a later point of time.


We all rely on software heavily and can’t afford a bug in it. Yet, we are humans, and we commit mistakes. Bugs can affect user experience, financial value, may cause downtime and will require extra labor to fix them. Overall, bugs are a costly affair. Only option is to hunt them down by finding if the code is working the way it is intended to.

The aim of the talk is to educate attendees on how to quickly make sure that they write less buggy software, without breaking the existing system in place. Talk will provide quick look at the most common types of bugs, reasons why they exist and how not to cut them loose. Talk will give a quick introduction to unittests and doctests for quick and easy testing.

The talk highlights different techniques and practices for building resilient and fault sensing software in python. Emphasis of testing before the code that causes the bug is even born with test oriented strategies. And introduction other testing frameworks like nose and py.test. Ideal strategies in managing code bases and deployment will also be discussed so that only a stable version goes into the production line.


  • Enough knowledge in Python to know what does class and def mean.
  • A laptop with python, nose and py.test would be great if you want to code along. (not necessary)

Speaker bio

Anoop Thomas Mathew is a Python Architect with years of experience in working with python and software development in general. With the title of Chief Technology Officer @ Profoundis, he leads the engineering efforts at Profoundis and now focusing on vibe . He has spoken at conferences like Fifth Elephant 2012, PyCon 2012, FOSSMeet 2013, PyCon 2013, FOSSMeet 2014 to name a few. More info: infiniteloop.in


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