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Python for Life Sciences

by Abhinav Mittal (speaking)

Scientific Computing
Technical level


Overview and demonstration of capabilities of various python based tools and libraries used for sequence analysis ( BioPython, Track, bx-python) and molecular visualization ( PyMol, Chimera, Modeller) in life sciences research.


"I can’t be as confident about computer science as I can about biology. Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on. It’s at that level. "-Donald Knuth

Using various computational tools, scientists all over the world are trying to gain insight into sequence-structure-function relationships of biomolecules. I'll talk about wonderful python based tools and libraries which have come up to our aid.

Libraries(eg.BioPython)-These let us access huge amounts of data from online data banks, process and analyze them with ease.

Tools(eg.PyMol) - These visualization and modelling softwares let us making insights into structure of bio-molecules.They aid in drug designing, understanding of functionalities, pathways and simulation of various chemical environments. And yes of course, they are used for rendering publication quality images!


Basic knowledge of nucleic acids, proteins and python programming.

Versions of softwares freely available for research and academic purposes will be used.

Internet connection will be required.

Speaker bio

I am 3rd year student persuing B.Tech+MS(by Research) in Computational Natural Sciences at IIIT Hyderabad. I love computational aspect of biology and would like to make contributions to it in future.Presently I am working on context analysis of non-canonical base pair A:G W:W cis in RNA structures at IIITH.


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    [-] Hilesh Aswani 597 days ago

    Excellent Topic for an enthusiast programmer and chemistry lover.
    it would be interesting to listen and learn what the topic has at offer.

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      [-] Abhinav Mittal 594 days ago

      Its indeed great experience to play with huge molecules and their assemblies and super long DNA-RNA sequences which form bases of all life on earth..!

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