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Writing clean, idiomatic Python (2.x)

by Kiran Gangadharan (speaking)

Core Python
Technical level


Understand the strengths of various Python built-ins that can help you write clean, idiomatic and efficient code.


A simple guide that illustrates idioms and helps in writing clean and maintainable code, in Python.


A device with Python 2.7 installed (if you want to try out the snippets)
Familiarity with data structures in Python

Speaker bio

I am currently working as a hacker at WalletKit, Inc, where I do majority of the work in the backend(Python) codebase. I have been working with Python for almost a year now. Previously, I worked at Komlimobile, where I was a part of the front end team and also played an important role in scaling our infrastructure using HBase.

I love the Python language and the community surrounding it. This has instilled a desire in me to give back to the community in whatever way I can. Hence, I have volunteered for the event as well.

I have done quite a bit of presentations and talks in my college days, though they were mostly related to marketing.

If my proposal is accepted, I'll prepare myself well and be ready on time for the event.


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    [-] Anand Chitipothu 628 days ago

    Can you please say more about what you do, where you work and give links to your previous presentations if any?

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    [-] Kiran Gangadharan 628 days ago

    Can I edit this proposal directly, or shall I mention all of the things you asked for, in the comments itself ?

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    [-] Anand Chitipothu 628 days ago

    Better to edit the proposal.

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    [-] Kiran Gangadharan 628 days ago

    Done. Please let me know, if you need anything else.

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    [-] Aditya Atluri 623 days ago

    Can anyone explain about Python VM??

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