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The awesome data structures of Python

by Devi A S L (speaking)

Core Python
Technical level


We'll discuss about the powerful data structures of Python with examples and use cases - starting from builtins to the shiny new ones in Python 3.3.

At the end of the talk, you'll know what data structure to use, when and how.


One of the reasons for Python being so easy to use is the elegance of its data structures.

The outline of the talk will be as follows -

  • Builtins

    • list, tuple, list comprehensions
    • dict, dict comprehensions
    • set, frozenset
    • packing, unpacking of iterables
  • Data structures from the standard library for

    • using dicts with default values
    • remembering the order of insertion of items in dicts
    • remembering last N items used
    • finding largest / smallest N items in large collections
    • finding out common things and differences in two collections
    • de-duplicating
    • finding most frequent occurrences
    • treating many dicts as a single one without merging them
    • working effectively with iterators

Performance comparisons with the alternate approaches for the above would be discussed.


Working knowledge of Python.

Speaker bio

Devi is an Independent software consultant based in Bangalore and now working with good folks at HasGeek. She has been using Python for many years in different fields like cryptography, natural language processing and web development etc. She fell in love with the language since she wrote a sudoku solver in 10 lines while trying it out.


  • 1

    [-] Devanshu Gupta 566 days ago

    Wish I had seen this session before, I would have voted it for sure, seriously going to miss it in this year PyCon

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