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Python Bindings - How to quick-start on big projects using Python

by Anmol Rajpurohit (speaking)

Software Development Tools
Session type
Technical level


Helping Python developers (both beginners and experienced) solve the most common problems involved with almost every big real-life project using Python: - Lack of proper documentation - No coding standards in the existing code : hard to understand - Different coding styles involved in the existing code - Less time to deliver new code (after losing considerable time in just understanding the existing code)


Be it as a student or even as a professional, whenever you start working on any big project, a considerable amount of time is lost in the beginning to understand the existing code. Thus, you are left with less time to write and test your new code.

With Python bindings and some smart coding, you can now escape/mitigate these problems and focus on your part on the project.

Content Summary: - Common problems for a newbie on big software development projects - Python Bindings - why do these projects need Python? - How to start writing your code on DAY ONE of the project - Real-life demo and quick tips - Q&A

Note: This talk derives from my experience on Python coding with senior researchers from Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The demo at the end of session has been taken from my summer work on Named Data Networking, an integral component of CCNx - one of the most promising future Internet architecture being developed by PARC.

Speaker bio

I am an avid python developer and academic researcher. I enjoy applying my intellectual curiosity and coding skills towards making swift progress on research projects. Being a hard core open-source guy, I love sharing my knowledge and experience, as much as learning from others.

For further information, refer: http://www.linkedin.com/in/arajpurohit


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    [-] Mayur Verma 918 days ago

    Seems interesting ! I wont miss this for sure as I am looking forward to contribute to research projects in near future. Thanks for coming up with this one Mr. Rajpurohit.

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    [-] A S L Devi 919 days ago (edited 919 days ago)

    I couldn't really understood the objective here. Can you please specify what is that you're going to cover?

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    [-] NAMAN JAIN 891 days ago

    I would like to learn python.

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