Extending and Embedding Python under Windows ( using C/C++ )

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Authors Praseed Pai K.T.
Level Intermediate
Topic Embedding/extending
Tags Platform Interoperability,Embedding/Extending,Mixed Language Programming

The Session will show Python Programmers how to extend Python using C/C++ Programming Language under Windows.


Python - Extending and Embedding Python under Windows using C/C++

Python Programming Language allows one to write extensions in C/C++ Programming language and this makes Python a powerful language for Writing mission critical applications. Understand the areas where we need more performance and rewrite those parts as extension is a thing which will give best of the both worlds ie the flexibility of dynamic typing and performance of statically typed native code.

To Write Extensions under Windows , the session will cover

a) How to Write Dynamic Link Libraries under Visual C++
c) How to add a simple extension and add to to the python environment
d) Memory Management , Reference counting and Ownership rules  
e) Write a non trivial extension.
f) How to call Python modules from C++ (Embedding)
g) Q&A

Being a Cross Platform programmer , I can take the same session for GNU Linux or MAC OS X as well. I have chosen Windows because C Python is under appreciated as a serious tool there ( unlike Linux ). Visual C++ command line compiler will be used to demonstrate the code and most windows programmers have forgotten these tools in favor of their IDEs. ( if the review comittee feels the session should be taken in MAC OS X or Linux , i am ready for that as well ).

Profile of the authors

Praseed Pai is a well known software professional based In Kochi,India. He is a regular speaker at the Microsoft User Groups , BarCamps , OWASP events and the Linux User groups.His open source compiler (http://slangfordotnet.codeplex.com ) has been used by students as a base for their academic projects. Currently , he is associated with Cabot Solutions , Kochi and his personal blog can be acessed from http://praseedp.blogspot.com

file size uploaded comment
PyCon2010.zip 523.4 KB september 7, 2010 The zip file contains a folder by the name presentation. One can find the presentation slides over there. The rest of files include examples of python extensions and embedding python

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