Managing Production workloads with Kubernetes

Sanchit Balchandani (~sanchit3)


Kubernetes has been a BIg buzzword for every developer from last few years, and also most of the companies these days are moving towards Kubernetes or Orchestration technologies to manage their workloads and deploy the microservices on Production Systems. So we'd like to grab this opportunity and help developers get started with Kubernetes and have a decent understanding by the end workshop that how Kubernetes can solve a lot of legacy problems which one may face while deploying and scaling things at the production level.

This would be a demo driven workshop with some required basics and we'd like to focus on defining things by relating things to real-time examples. Along with this, we'd provide demos on how to scale up applications with help of Kubernetes so that managing loads on Production Servers become easier.

Total time - 2:30 Hours

Outline -

  • Intro to Kubernetes
  • Why do need Orchestration?
  • Basic Concepts of K8s
    • Pods
    • Replica Sets
    • Deployments
    • Services
    • Secrets
    • Volumes
    • ConfigMaps
  • Inro to K8s Dashboard
  • Demo of Deploying a monolith application using K8s and Scaling it
  • More Details on Kubernetes Components
    • Master Components
    • Node Components
    • Addons
  • Demo 2 (Managing Loads)
    • Cluster Setup
    • Adding node to cluster
    • Deploy few microservices and Scale it
  • Industry Best Practices


  • Basics of Docker
  • Basics of Python and Web Development
  • Basics of Linux
  • A Laptop with Docker Installed

Content URLs:

Work in Progress.

Speaker Info:

Sanchit Balchandani - Sanchit has been into the IT industry from last 9 years and has been doing a lot of Python and Web Development projects from quite a few years along with some DevOps(SRE) work recently. He loves to write code in Python and likes to be involved with the community. He is a core member of Hyderabad Python User Group and actively takes parts in HydPy's monthly meetups.

Mahendra Yadav - Mahendra is working as a Full Stack Developer at BeautifulCode. He is very keen to learn new technologies and loves to share his knowledge.

Speaker Links:

Sanchit Balchandani -

  • Github -
  • LinkedIn -
  • Twitter -

Mahendra Yadav -

  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
  • Github:

Section: Developer tools and automation
Type: Workshop
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: