Standardizing Class and Method Documentation for Libraries: Enhancing Clarity and Developer Productivity

Gagan Shivashankar (~gagan2)




In the rapidly evolving ecosystem of programming languages and libraries, developers often face the challenge of learning new tools quickly and efficiently. The key part of this learning process is understanding the documentation of these libraries, which often varies in structure and format. This inconsistency leads to confusion and slows down the learning process. Therefore, implementing a standardized structure for documenting classes and methods in libraries is vital. This structured format would ensure all necessary information is readily available, clear, and consistent across different libraries, thereby enabling developers to quickly understand and use any package effectively.


Basic understanding of programming languages and how libraries function.

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Speaker Info:

Gagan Deep S is a seasoned software developer with experience in various programming languages and libraries. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from NITK. Inspired by programming and the power of the web, he started building websites in college and continued his professional career with various software development projects across the SaaS domain.

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Section: Core Python
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
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