Enhance Code Quality and Streamline Code Reviews: Elevate Python Projects with Custom Git Hooks

vivek keshore (~vivek17)




Abstract: In this 30-minute talk, let's uncover the power of Git hooks and learn how to leverage them to enhance code quality and streamline code reviews in your Python projects. With a focus on practicality, the talk attempts to dive into the world of Git hooks and explore how to tailor them to team's specific needs. By the end of this session, the audience will be equipped with valuable insights and actionable steps to make the development process more efficient, reducing the code review efforts and the codebase as more robust.

Outline of the talk

1. Challenges with code quality and reviews (3 mins)

  • Hurdles teams face in maintaining code excellence.
  • Conducting thorough code reviews.
  • Maintaining standards across all team members

2. Introduction to Git Hooks (3 minutes)

  • Introduction to Git hooks.
  • Potential to transform Python projects.

3. Anatomy of a Git Hook (3 minutes)

  • Understanding the structure
  • Understanding the execution flow of a Git hook.

4. Customizing Git Hooks (10 minutes)

  • Demonstration of how to create and customise Git hooks using Python.
  • Integration of pre-commit, pre-push, commit-msg, and other hooks into project workflow.

5. Reducing Efforts in Code Reviews (4 minutes)

  • Highlighting specific ways Git hooks can contribute to more efficient and effective code reviews.

6. Key Takeaways - Conclusion (2 mins)

  • Enhanced Code Quality: Fortify projects with automated checks and validations.
  • Turbocharged Code Reviews: Reduce review time and ensure polished code.
  • Efficiency Improvement: Streamline development pipeline for quality and robust outcomes.

7. Q&A Session (5 minutes)

  • Engaging with the audience to address their queries and concerns about Git hooks.


Basic knowledge of Python.

Speaker Info:

I am a Python Enthusiast who loves building software applications and education related content. I am a technology professional and a passionate programmer with 11 years of experience in Python & Python related technologies. I am currently working as Architect at SenecaGlobal Inc, Hyderabad.

I have been involved with multiple professional projects in various industrial domains and technical fields. My expertise is in application development, data processing & analysis, data structures, & algorithms, various non-relational and relational databases, Python, Flask, FastAPI, Celery, RabbitMQ, Redis, Cassandra, AWS, Airflow, and various other tech stacks. I am also an open source contributor, and published self developed libraries on PyPI. I love creating libraries and various utility tools that help me in solving a challenge/problem that could also be used by others in the developers community.

My personal interest is in exploring new technologies, web application development, IoT systems, spread Python education, and read novels. I also write and share my thoughts occasionally on Quora and Medium.

Speaker Links:

Previous Proposals

  • https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2021/proposals/hows-the-job-title-quantum-computer-programmer~bmZQr/
  • https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2021/proposals/one-api-to-rule-them-all-config-based-development~en5rE/

PyPI Libraries

And many more in progress ...

Docker HUB


Medium Articles (Published in NerdForTech and MLearning.ai)






Section: Developer tools and automation
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: