Accelerating testing cycles of embedded devices using Python
madhuri anagal (~madhuri1) |
The talk addresses how the Python ecosystem of tools can be used to develop test automation framework for embedded devices where high speed data acquisition is needed. The test automation framework provides a solution for cataloging, retrieving, and analyzing the captured sensor data from embedded devices
The embedded Device Under Test(DUT) can be any device that works on serial communication, that is used for precise control and positioning applications, such as, aerospace and smart ammunition. But generally, it can be any embedded device that has sensors that transmit data up to 5MBps Baud rate. The framework is designed to perform functional and endurance testing. This aids in early detection and reporting of issues in the DUT and reduces SDLC duration. The framework uses techniques to receive high speed data transmitted by the DUT, while maintaining zero data loss and write it to file-system on Host system.
Python's simplicity and readability will be showcased, emphasizing how it eases and accelerates the software development process. Participants will discover how Python provides various libraries that facilitate the interaction with embedded devices, and enables efficient analysis, transformation, and visualization of sensor data.
Outline of the talk:
- Background: Brief introduction of test automation framework, DUT, Testing Life Cycle
- Technology stack: Important python libraries used, Robot framework
- Challenges faced: Data loss management, longer testing cycles
- Lessons learnt: How various Python libraries can be used to optimize testing time and detect issues in DUT at the earliest
- Epilogue: Future scope, Q&A session
Link to Presentation:
Basic knowledge of embedded systems
Speaker Info:
I am working as senior Python developer at Acclivis technologies,Pune. I have experience of developing test automation frameworks for embedded devices and for automotive devices using Python , Robot framework and Jenkins
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