Test your code the python way

Anisha Narang (~anarang)




If you don't test your test your code, you shall be introducing bugs in production. Even today, there are myths about testing that every QA requires to fight. If writing code for an application(development) is an art, so is writing test cases for the application. What approach a person should take while he begins to test a given application. Can you escape manual testing if you aim at 100% automation? unittest by the name implies "unit testing", can you use the framework for any other type of testing other than unit testing. How about Py.test? Is this something which is new and efficient or people still prefer unittest today. How about implementing Behaviour Driven Tests to make your tests more readable and understandable to people. Interacting with web applications is easy. In this talk, you will know about some of the best practices, tools/python libraries and frameworks you can use to test your code.


  • Building an approach to test an application(Manual vs. Automation)
  • Unittest
  • Py.test
  • Behavior Driven Testing using Lettuce
  • How Robot Framework is helpful?


Basic knowledge of Python.

Speaker Info:

Anisha has been working with Red Hat, Pune for nearly two years now. She does testing at work and has worked with a couple of products(mostly web applications). She has worked with a couple of tools like Selenium, unittest, py.test, and some form the world of ruby as well(watir-webdriver, cucumber, rspec). She enjoys attending events and conferences. Off lately, she has started learning Japanese.

Speaker Links:

  • Blog: https://anishanarang.wordpress.com/
  • Twitter: @anisha_narang
  • Github: https://github.com/anarang
  • Interview published in Code magazine( Sep, 2014): http://goo.gl/L23tH9

Some links to previous talks:

  • Let's talk testing with Selenium(PyCon 2013): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZsl15aIq2Y
  • Choose a testing stack that works for you -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjoQ7VNL_0w
  • All about Web Application testing -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFTgVVCPxnU

Section: Testing
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: