Monitoring your system using Nagios and Python plugins

darshan n (~darshan2)




    Monitoring a critical system is very important as it helps you detect problems in the system before hand and you can take corrective measures to resolve the issues. It also gives a very good idea of resources available/used in your system, which helps to scale-out your system well in advance before the resource crunch happens.  Nagios is a monitoring software that can be used to achieve this.
    It has a very simple plugin design that allows users to easily develop their own service checks depending on needs. One can monitor a system parameter of his choice by developing a nagios plugin. Python is one of the languages that can be used to develop nagios plugins. 
   This talk aims at providing a brief introduction to nagios, learning to develop a nagios monitoring plugin in python and finally a small demo of how we have used nagios + python plugins to monitor glusterfs, a distributed file system.


  • Basic knowledge of programming in python.
  • Idea about nagios monitoring software.

Content URLs:

-Presentation link

-Project gluster-nagios-addons which has python plugins for monitoring glusterfs using nagios. A small demo of monitoring glusterfs using plugins in above project will be given as part of this talk.

Speaker Info:

Associate software engineer at Redhat storage, Bangalore. Mainly working for projects like Ovirt and Glusterfs

Section: Infrastructure
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: