How to Build a Blog Using Django, AWS EC2, Virtualenv, Gunicorn, Nginx and Git

Rohan Roy (~triump0870)




You have already built a Django Polls app and now thinking what next, then I have something for your interest. If you feel you know Django basics then this workshop is for you. You will learn how to setup a production like server in AWS EC2 and how to version control using Git. You will build a blog in Django from scratch. This workshop focuses on how to sync your project between development server and production server. You will get to know how to interact with AWS EC2 over SSH from this workshop. The main attractions of this workshop are

  • AWS EC2 Basics
  • Setting Up Django Environment in AWS EC2
  • How to Create your Django Blog
  • How to Sync Your Production Server with Github
  • Bootstrap Basics and Django Template


Technical/Software Knowledge

  • Learn Python the Hard Way - this implies that you have a terminal and editor that you already like and trust.
  • Official Django Tutorial - the one where you build the Polls app.
  • Basics of Git and an active Github account - if you know git push, git pull, then its enough.
  • An active AWS account - required to setup a production server.
  • An Editor of your choice - I prefer Sublime.

OS requirement

  • Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 installed laptop

Hardware requirement

  • Laptop Adapter
  • LAN Cable
  • Power extension code ( optional)

Speaker Info:

I am a Python Programmer, make Django Web Applications and teach courses on Python to make young minds aware of programming. I have been coding for 3 years now and I take a deep interest in competitive programming.

Speaker Links:

Section: Web Development
Type: Workshops
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: